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Inspiration & insikter
Här delar jag helt personliga och icke-vetenskapliga insikter och reflektioner. Oavsett om du är en erfaren marknadsförare eller ny på området, så kan du hitta praktiska råd och strategiska tankar som kan hjälpa både dig och ditt företag att växa och utvecklas.
Dela gärna dina tankar!
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Challenge nr. 7, the final one: 📊 Data-driven decisions and measurability – If you’re not measuring, you are driving without a compass.
Reflection time 🔥 We’ve covered a lot of ground in this series—seven major challenges that businesses face when scaling their marketing...
3 feb.3 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Summary
Rundown time: 🚀Summary of growth and scalability – the key to success when your company grows like weeds 🌱 In this article series, I’ve...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growht & Scalability - Challenge nr. 6: Customer understanding – "Everyone" isn’t your target audience 💡
Reflection time 🔥 The sixth challenge: Customer understanding – "Everyone" isn’t your target audience 💡 We’ve reached the second to...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Challenge nr. 5: Team Integration – No one wants to navigate solo 🤝
Reflection time 🔥 We’ve come to article number five of seven big challenges in creating scalable and sustainable growth strategies. Team...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Challenge nr. 4: Complexity in channels & tech – With so many tools, platforms and touchpoints, how do you create a unified omnichannel strategy that actually works? ✨
Reflection time 🔥 In my previous posts, I tackled three of seven big challenges in creating scalable and sustainable growth strategies....
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Challenge nr. 3: 🤹♂️ Sustainable growth & customer focus – Growing is one thing. Growing while giving customers a great experience is a whole different ball game.
Reflection time 🔥 In my last post, I explored the second challenge in building scalable and sustainable growth strategies: ⚡ Campaign...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth & Scalability - Challenge nr. 2: ⚡ Campaign efficiency – It’s not about "more is better," but "right is better."
Reflection time 🔥 In my last post, I piled up some of the biggest challenges when building scalable and sustainable growth strategies in...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Growth and scalability - Challenge nr. 1: Scalable marketing structures
Reflection time 🔥 Growth and scalability - The key to success when your company grows like weeds 🌱🚀 Building marketing strategies that...
3 feb.2 min läsning
Digital transformation & technology-driven marketing – does your company have the right compass and tools to navigate ahead?
A reflection: Digital transformation & technology-driven marketing – does your company have the right compass and tools to navigate...
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